fruiSCE® Business Networks

fruiSCE Business Networks enable interconnected systems and processes that facilitate the flow of goods, services, information, and finances among various supply chain parties. fruiSCE Business Network enable seamless collaboration, visibility, and coordination among suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers.

fruiSCE enhances the efficiency, responsiveness, and resilience of supply chains by integrating and streamlining operations across different organizations. Empowered by robust technologies such as AI/ML, cloud computing, big data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), process mining, and blockchain to enable real-time data sharing, process automation, and predictive analytics.

  • Multi-level Order Fulfilment
  • Demand Sensing & Response
  • Multi-tier Inventory Management
  • Supply Chain Visibility
  • Closed Loop Supply Chain
  • Inter-Enterprise Integration
  • Supply Chain Integration to ESG
  • Finance

  • Multi-Level Order Fulfilment

    Multi-level order fulfilment in fruiSCE business network involves the process of fulfilling customer orders that involve multiple stages or levels within the supply chain, when your product passes through several entities, such as manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, before reaching the end customer.

    Order Placement: Capture customer orders easier and faster through various channels, such as an online store, mobile app, or in-store with the order details, including the product, quantity, delivery address, and any specific requirements.

    Order Processing: The order is received and processed by the seller or the fruiSCE centralized order management by verifying stock availability, pricing, payment processing, and any applicable discounts or promotions.

    Allocation and Splitting: The ordered items are available in a single location, or multiple locations, the order may need to split into multiple suborders for fulfilment at each level.

    Intercompany Transfer: In multi-level order fulfilment, if the items need to be sourced from different entities, intercompany transfers occur. For example, a distributor may need to request the items from multiple manufacturers or suppliers to fulfil the order.

    Fulfilment at Each Level: Once the items are available at each level, the fulfilment process takes place independently at each entity. Manufacturers produce the items, distributors pick and pack the items, and retailers prepare the items for delivery or pickup. Each entity updates the order status and provides shipment details to the central system or the next level in the supply chain.

    Tracking and Visibility: Throughout the multi-level fulfilment process, the fruiSCE business network provides real-time tracking and visibility of the order. This allows all stakeholders to monitor the progress, inventory availability, and estimated delivery dates.

    Consolidation and Shipment: Once all sub-orders are fulfilled at each level, the items may be consolidated at a central location or a distribution center. The consolidated order is then prepared for final shipment to the end customer. This may involve packaging, labelling, and coordinating with shipping carriers.

    Last-Mile Delivery: The shipment is handed over to the last-mile delivery provider, who ensures the safe and timely delivery of the order to the customer's specified location. Tracking information and delivery notifications may be provided to the customer.

    Order Completion: Once the order reaches the customer and is accepted, the fulfilment process is considered complete. The system updates the order status accordingly, and any necessary financial transactions, such as invoicing or payment reconciliation, take place.

    Returns management: Managing returns and repairs is of great importance to ensure customer experience and loyalty. The customer will prefer the vendor who have great process for finished product returns, the raw material returns, or machine returns for service or repair.

    Throughout the multi-level order fulfilment process, fruiSCE supply chain business networks enable efficient communication, visibility, and coordination among the various entities involved. Real-time data sharing, inventory synchronization, and automated processes help streamline the process and ensure customer satisfaction.

    Demand Sensing & Response

    Demand sensing and response in fruiSCE business network refers to the capability to sense and understand changes in customer demand patterns in real time and respond swiftly to meet those demands. It involves the use of forecasting techniques, data analytics, and advanced supply chain algorithms to capture and interpret demand signals from various sources, enabling proactive decision-making and agile response within the supply chain.

    Real-Time Data Integration: fruiSCE help you to build integration of real time data from diverse sources, including point-of-sales (POS)data, social media trends, weather data, market research, and customer sentiment analysis. This data is aggregated and analysed to generate accurate and up-to-date demand insights.

    Demand Signal Repository: A demand signal repository serves as a central repository for storing and analysing demand-related data. It allows supply chain stakeholders to access and interpret demand signals, historical data, and forecast models to gain actionable insights into demand patterns.

    Forecasting Techniques & Advanced Analytics: Demand sensing and response is built on advanced analytics and forecasting techniques to analyse demand signals and generate accurate short-term demand forecasts. The techniques include statistical modelling, machine learning, and predictive analytics to capture demand patterns and anticipate changes. The different types of forecasting techniques include Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing, Double Exponential Smoothing, Triple Exponential Smoothing, Holt Winter’s Addictive & Multiplicative Methods, Holt Linear Trend, Croston’s Method, Best Fit option.

    Collaborative Planning: Collaboration among supply chain partners is crucial for demand sensing and response. fruiSCE Business Networks facilitate collaboration by providing a platform for sharing demand insights, forecasts, and inventory data across the network. This enables collaborative demand planning and coordination among stakeholders.

    Rapid Response and Flexibility: Demand sensing and response enable agile response to changing demand patterns. By continuously monitoring and analysing demand signals, supply chain stakeholders can make rapid adjustments to production, inventory levels, and distribution strategies. This agility helps reduce stockouts, optimize inventory, and improve customer satisfaction.

    Demand-Driven Replenishment: Demand sensing and response facilitate demand-driven replenishment by dynamically adjusting production schedules and inventory levels based on real-time demand signals. This helps minimize excess inventory and reduce lead times, enabling a more responsive and efficient supply chain.

    Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: fruiSCE Business Networks enable continuous monitoring and evaluation of demand patterns, forecast accuracy, and response effectiveness. This allows supply chain stakeholders to refine their forecasting models and response strategies based on real-time feedback and performance metrics.

    Scalability and Integration: Demand sensing and response capabilities should be scalable to accommodate growing data volumes and expanding supply chain networks. Integration with other supply chain systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and transportation management systems (TMS), is essential to ensure seamless data flow and synchronized decision-making.


    Multi-Tier Inventory Management

    Multi-tier inventory management plays a crucial role in fruiSCE supply chain business networks by optimizing inventory levels and improving coordination across multiple tiers of the supply chain. It involves managing inventory at different levels, such as suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, to ensure that the right products are available at the right time and in the right quantities.

    Demand Visibility and Forecasting: Multi-tier inventory management relies on accurate demand visibility and forecasting. By capturing demand signals and sharing them across the supply chain network, stakeholders can anticipate demand fluctuations and adjust inventory levels accordingly. This enables better inventory planning and reduces the risk of stockouts or excess inventory.

    Collaborative Planning and Replenishment: Multi-tier inventory management facilitates collaborative planning and replenishment among supply chain partners. It enables the sharing of demand forecasts, inventory levels, and lead times, allowing for synchronized replenishment activities. This coordination helps optimize inventory across multiple tiers, reduces costs, and improves overall supply chain efficiency.

    Safety Stock Allocation: Safety stock is inventory held to protect against uncertainties in demand and lead time. In multi-tier inventory management, safety stock can be strategically allocated across different tiers based on demand patterns, lead times, and service level agreements. This ensures that each tier has an appropriate level of safety stock to meet customer demand while minimizing excess inventory.

    Centralized Inventory Visibility: Multi-tier inventory management requires centralized visibility of inventory across the supply chain network. This visibility enables stakeholders to monitor inventory levels, track stock movements, and make informed decisions regarding replenishment, production, and distribution. Real-time inventory data sharing helps avoid stockouts, optimize order fulfilment, and enhance customer satisfaction.

    Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI): VMI is a practice in multi-tier inventory management where suppliers manage inventory levels at customer locations. Through VMI, suppliers have access to real-time inventory data at the customer's site and take responsibility for replenishing inventory as needed. This helps reduce stockouts, lower inventory carrying costs for customers, and enhance supply chain efficiency.

    Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory: Multi-tier inventory management supports the implementation of JIT inventory practices. JIT aims to minimize inventory by synchronizing production and delivery to match customer demand closely. By accurately predicting demand and optimizing production schedules across multiple tiers, JIT can reduce inventory holding costs, minimize waste, and improve overall responsiveness.

    Inventory Optimization Techniques: Multi-tier inventory management employs various inventory optimization techniques, such as economic order quantity (EOQ), safety stock analysis, and ABC classification. These techniques help determine optimal reorder quantities, safety stock levels, and prioritization of inventory based on value, demand variability, and criticality.

    Continuous Monitoring and Analysis: Multi-tier inventory management requires continuous monitoring of inventory levels, lead times, and demand patterns. This involves analysing key performance indicators (KPIs), such as stock turnover rate, fill rate, and days of supply, to identify potential issues and drive continuous improvement efforts. Data analytics and advanced algorithms can be used to detect demand trends, identify outliers, and optimize inventory levels across multiple tiers.

    Supply Chain Visibility

    Supply chain visibility in fruiSCE Business Network refers to the ability to track and monitor the flow of goods, information, and finances across the entire supply chain network in real time. It involves capturing and sharing relevant data and information among supply chain stakeholders to enable transparency, collaboration, and informed decision-making.

    End-to-End Visibility: Supply chain visibility provides a holistic view of the entire supply chain, from raw material sourcing to the final delivery of products to customers. It allows stakeholders to track and monitor the movement of goods, inventory levels, order status, and other critical data points across all stages of the supply chain.

    Real-Time Data Sharing: Supply chain visibility relies on real-time data sharing among all stakeholders involved in the supply chain network. This includes sharing data on production, inventory levels, logistics, transportation, and customer demand. Real-time data enables stakeholders to make timely decisions, identify bottlenecks, and proactively address supply chain issues.

    Collaboration and Coordination: Supply chain visibility promotes collaboration and coordination among supply chain partners. It facilitates communication and information sharing, allowing stakeholders to align their activities, resolve issues, and optimize processes. Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) initiatives can be enabled through supply chain visibility, leading to improved efficiency and responsiveness.

    Demand and Supply Planning: With supply chain visibility, stakeholders have access to accurate and up-to-date demand data, enabling more accurate demand forecasting and supply planning. This helps in optimizing inventory levels, reducing stockouts, and aligning production capacity with customer demand. It also facilitates proactive demand management and helps in identifying potential demand fluctuations or shifts.

    Risk Management: Supply chain visibility enhances risk management capabilities by providing real-time insights into potential disruptions or bottlenecks within the supply chain. It allows stakeholders to identify and mitigate risks proactively, whether they are related to supplier performance, logistics, or demand variability. By monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and exceptions, supply chain visibility helps in improving supply chain resilience and minimizing the impact of disruptions.

    Customer Satisfaction: Supply chain visibility enables improved customer service and satisfaction. By having access to real-time information on order status, shipment tracking, and delivery schedules, stakeholders can provide accurate and timely updates to customers. This enhances transparency, reduces order cycle times, and improves overall customer experience.

    Performance Monitoring and Continuous Improvement: Supply chain visibility provides the foundation for monitoring supply chain performance and driving continuous improvement initiatives. It allows stakeholders to track KPIs, measure performance against predefined benchmarks, and identify areas for optimization and cost reduction. By analyzing data and identifying patterns, stakeholders can identify inefficiencies, implement process improvements, and enhance supply chain performance over time.

    Closed Loop Supply Chain

    A closed-loop supply chain in fruiSCE business networks refers to a system that integrates reverse logistics processes and activities into the traditional forward supply chain. It involves the management of product returns, recycling, remanufacturing, and reuse to create a sustainable and circular approach to the supply chain. In a closed-loop supply chain, products are not treated as end-of-life waste but are considered valuable resources that can be recovered and reintroduced into the supply chain.

    Product Returns: Closed-loop supply chains incorporate processes for managing product returns, including customer returns, overstock, and defective items. These returned products are carefully evaluated to determine if they can be repaired, refurbished, or recycled.

    Reverse Logistics: Reverse logistics refers to the processes involved in moving products or materials from the customer back to the manufacturer or designated point of recovery. This includes activities such as collection, sorting, transportation, and disposition of returned products.

    Remanufacturing and Refurbishment: Closed-loop supply chains focus on remanufacturing or refurbishing returned products to extend their lifecycle and bring them back to market as good-as-new or with minor repairs. This reduces the need for new production and minimizes waste.

    Recycling and Material Recovery: Products that cannot be remanufactured or refurbished are disassembled, and their components and materials are recycled or recovered. This helps extract valuable resources and reduces the environmental impact of waste disposal.

    Reuse and Secondary Markets: Closed-loop supply chains explore opportunities for reusing returned products or their components. This can involve creating secondary markets for refurbished products or utilizing recovered materials in other industries.

    Collaboration and Partnerships: Successful closed-loop supply chains rely on collaboration and partnerships among various stakeholders, including manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, and reverse logistics service providers. Effective collaboration ensures seamless integration of reverse logistics processes into the overall supply chain network.

    Inter Enterprise Integration

    Inter-enterprise integration in fruiSCE Business Network enables the integration and collaboration among multiple enterprises within a networked ecosystem. It involves connecting and aligning the business processes, systems, and data of different organizations to achieve seamless coordination and information flow.

    Collaboration and Communication: Integration enables enterprises to collaborate and communicate effectively with their partners within the network. It allows for shared information, real-time updates, and coordinated decision-making, fostering a more collaborative and efficient supply chain.

    Data Sharing and Visibility: Integration facilitates the exchange of data and information among network participants. This shared visibility allows for real-time access to critical data such as inventory levels, production status, and customer demand, enabling better planning and decision-making across the network.

    Process Streamlining: By integrating business processes, enterprises can eliminate duplication, reduce manual efforts, and streamline workflows. This leads to improved efficiency, reduced errors, and faster response times, benefiting the entire business network.

    Scalability and Flexibility: Inter-enterprise integration supports scalability and adaptability within the business network. It allows for easier onboarding of new partners, integration of new systems, and the ability to quickly respond to changing market conditions or customer demands.

    Supply Chain Optimization: Integration enables better supply chain visibility and control, resulting in improved inventory management, reduced lead times, and enhanced overall supply chain performance. It promotes synchronization of activities, enhances demand planning, and facilitates efficient resource utilization.

    Enhanced Customer Experience: By integrating business processes, enterprises can provide a seamless and consistent customer experience across the network. This includes efficient order management, accurate and timely information sharing, and improved responsiveness to customer needs.

    Risk Mitigation: Inter-enterprise integration helps in mitigating risks within the business network. By sharing data and collaborating on risk management strategies, enterprises can proactively identify and address potential disruptions, such as supply chain disruptions or changes in market conditions.

    Supply Chain compliance to ESG

    Make sure your supply chains are compliant with ESG requirements, your organizations should assess risks, establish supplier standards, engage and collaborate with suppliers, ensure traceability and transparency, measure and report on ESG performance, collaborate with stakeholders, and strive for continuous improvement. By integrating ESG considerations, organizations can demonstrate sustainability, ethical practices, and responsible conduct. This mitigates risks, enhances brand reputation, and attracts customers and investors.

    Supply chain risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that can disrupt or impact the flow of goods, information, and finances within a supply chain network. It encompasses strategies and processes to proactively manage risks such as supplier disruptions, natural disasters, demand variability, geopolitical issues, and cybersecurity threats. Effective supply chain risk management helps enhance resilience, minimize disruptions, and safeguard the continuity of operations and customer satisfaction.


    The finance part in a fruiSCE Business Network involves managing the financial aspects related to the movement of goods and services throughout the supply chain. This includes various elements such as billing, invoicing, and payment processing for warehousing costs, transportation costs, and other expenses incurred within the supply chain.

    Billing of Warehousing Costs: In supply chain finance, warehousing costs are typically billed based on the duration and volume of goods stored. Warehousing providers issue invoices to their customers, detailing the storage charges for the agreed-upon period. These invoices may include additional services such as inventory management, order fulfilment, and value-added services. Organizations need to manage the timely processing and payment of these invoices to ensure smooth supply chain operations.

    Transportation Costs: Transportation costs play a significant role in the supply chain, and their financial management is crucial. Freight carriers and logistics providers generate invoices for the transportation services rendered, including freight charges, fuel surcharges, handling fees, and any additional services requested. Managing and reconciling these invoices is essential to ensure accurate cost allocation, validate charges, and streamline payment processes.

    Other Costs: Apart from warehousing and transportation costs, there are various other expenses incurred in the supply chain, such as customs duties, tariffs, insurance premiums, packaging costs, and administrative fees. Proper documentation, invoicing, and financial management of these costs are essential for maintaining financial control and accuracy within the supply chain.

    Supply Chain Finance: Supply chain finance is financial solutions aimed at optimizing working capital, improving cash flow, and mitigating financial risks within the supply chain. It includes techniques such as supply chain financing, invoice factoring, dynamic discounting, and vendor financing. These financial solutions provide organizations with options to manage their payables and receivables more efficiently, address cash flow gaps, and strengthen financial relationships with suppliers and customers. fruiSCE provides necessary data requirements and integration options with financial institutions.

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